
Over half of all falls happen at home, where we spend much of our time and tend to move around without thinking about our safety.

Our surroundings can often casue us a risk. Often this is because of hazards within the home or difficulty with daily activities such as getting in or out of bed, on and off a chair or toilet, or in and out of the bath which can also cause falls.

Falls prevention in and around the home is often described as ‘common sense’, however, it isn’t always easy to recognise the things that can cause trips, slips and falls.

Use our home safety section to help you identify and remove hazards within your home

Swindon Borough Council

Swindon Borough Council’s care and support information and advice website.

Warm & Safe Wiltshire

Ensure you keep your gas and electricity bills affordable and your home warm and safe with this free and impartial Council backed energy saving advice service. Call 0800 038 5722 or see The Warm and Safe Wiltshire Website for more information

The Adult Social Care Team

The Adult Social Care Team provides information to older people, adults with physical disabilities and carers, to help make informed decisions and access appropriate services. They can provide help with equipment and adaptations for daily activities, help at home and support for your caring role. Telephone 01793 463333

Fire Service Safe & Well Assessment

Consider a free home fire safety check from the local fire service. Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service will visit your home, provide safety advice, install smoke, carbon monoxide and heat detectors where necessary and help you create an escape plan.

For more information and to request your free visit go to www.dwfire.org.uk/safety/safe-and-well-visits or telephone 0800 038 2323


For further information on rehabilitation for Falls and Bone Health in Swindon, please contact the Community Rehabilitation Team, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on 01793 607710